It’s been too long
I have some posts in the pipeline, which needs finalization. Currently though, I’m trying to finish the Hugo theme mugenbatscha, which this blog is using.
There are still a lot of small adjustments to make
- The landing page still uses feather icons, which seem to have deprecated branding logos. The question is, if I should just download a bunch of SVGs and ship them with the theme, or use something like simple icons?
- Based on Google PageSpeed Insight, there is a lot to improve regarding accessibility. Especially alt attributes.
- The could use an update. It’s probably not that useful to someone who wishes to use this theme for ones own blog.
Improvements, which are live right now
- The links on the landing page do not open a new tab anymore. Consensus says, if you do not loose important work, do not open in a new tab.
- The mobile scaling has gotten an update. The menu bar now features better padding around the icons.
- The landing page is centered.
- The landing page got the footer at the bottom.
- Taxonomy got an overhaul.
- Dev Container uses a more up-to-date version of node and hugo.
Changes the blog has experienced
- A new URL.
- Migration from IONOS Deploy Now to Azure. This will get a post of its own.
- Migration from Azure to Github Pages. This will receive a post of its own.
- Connecting a custom URL with Azure, and now Github Pages. Maybe this will get a post of it’s own, or be integrated in the migration posts. We will see.